
From 1 September 2009, training and assessment for a high-risk work licence must be undertaken through a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). Some practical training can occur in the workplace with the approval of the RTO.

  • Be at least 18.
  • Undertake a structured course of training by an RTO.
  • Have the necessary knowledge and ability to safely perform the high-risk work.
  • Be assessed as competent by an assessor using the relevant ‘assessment instrument’ under realistic workplace conditions.

About This Course

Nationally recognized training course “TLILIC0003 Licence to operate a forklift truck”, this course leads to the LF Class High-Risk Work (HRW) Forklift Licence as defined in the National Standards for “Licensing Persons Performing High-Risk work. The unit of competency is contained within the TLI Transport and Logistics training package.

Course Overview

This course offers the information and skills you need to become a licensed forklift operator. It provides basic training in the safe operation of forklifts. It covers the following skills and criteria:
  • Identify hazards associated with the operation of the forklift truck and put in place effective hazard controls for those hazards identified.
  • Conduct pre-start-up, operational, moving loads and shut down and secure checks of the forklift truck according to procedures.
  • Operate the forklift truck and move loads safely, including driving and manoeuvring, picking up and placing of loads at various stack heights.
  • Drive forklift truck with load in forward and reverse, maintaining visibility.
  • Understanding the Stability triangle and forklift functions.

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How much Forklift Training do I require?

My forklift training starts with approximately 2 days including assessment with small groups. From this point I can gauge the amount of training required for each student as a rule the theory is often harder than the Practical. This is a closed book written assessment on your knowledge with approx. 60 questions and some maths, a verbal assessment can be offered.

For persons that have held an expired LF licence or been operating a forklift for years with good communication skills and can retain new information you may be able to complete the course in 1 to 2 days.

For persons that have worked within a forklift working environment and reminded of safety rules with good communication skills (read/ writing / understanding) and have had some experience with forklifts, remember verbal assessment offered can be completed in 2 days with some home study.

Persons with no car experience or with learning issues, understanding English may require from 3 to 5 days sometimes exceeding this timeframe.

Addtional Information

Booking Requirements

To place a booking please use our Book Now page. Please complete all the relevant information and we will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible. If you have any questions about any of the courses on offer please use our contact us page and we will contact you.


Courses are offered under a flexible. A two (2) or three (3) day course is most often used for the new driver, but in the event of a student not yet being ready, he/she may return for to a longer duration, TBA at no expense. Shorter courses are available, depending on the needs of the student.

The Course Uses

Animated PowerPoint display together with a student workbook, handouts RTO issued logbook for written tasks & self-assessment, course videos and demonstrations with practical exercises. “An additional requirement of the NVR Standards is that an RTO must be able to reproduce qualifications for a period of 30 years and retain all completed assessments for a minimum of 6 months after completion of the course”.

We practice Equal Opportunity Training

Our learning environment is free of any racial discrimination or harassment. We encourage learning from any ethnic or religious background respect for social and cultural backgrounds, treating all students with respect and dignity.

Once Ready For Assessment

An assessor is organised for both theory & practical assessment for a LF Forklift Licence, Safework NSW is to be given 48 hours-notice prior of any assessment for audit purposes.

Course Portability

This course is fully portable, NSW, Sydney and country areas with prior arrangements.

ForkTime are happy to conduct courses and assessment at our Mulgrave training centre. Alternatively you can arrange for training on site. Please contact us to discuss your needs via our Contact Form.

For general information please use our Contact form and we will be happy to reply to your questions or comments. Alternatively you can phone us on 02 4577 9577 to discuss any questions you may have.

Note:  All High Risk Work (HRW) assessments must be completed in English written or verbal and comply with the conditions set out by Safework NSW

Note: the price includes up to 5 days of training with one assessment.

Note:  All students will require a Unique Student Identifier Number USI

From 1 January 2015 if you are undertaking nationally recognised training delivered by a registered training organisation you will need to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). This includes studying at TAFE or with a private training organisation, completing an apprenticeship or skill set, certificate or diploma course.

A USI gives you access to your online USI account which is made up of ten numbers and letters. It will look something like this: 3AW88YH9U5.

A USI account will contain all your nationally recognised training records and results from 1 January 2015 onwards. Your results from 2015 will be available in your USI account in 2016.

When applying for a job or enrolling in further study, you will often need to provide your training records and results. One of the main benefits of the USI is that you will have easy access to your training records and results throughout your life.

You can access your USI account online from a computer, tablet or smart phone anywhere and anytime. To apply

**** Training is fully portable your site or Mine, anywhere within NSW training & assessment can be conducted.

Registered Training Organisation (RTO) 91583

Unit 5 / 21 Groves Ave MULGRAVE NSW 2756

Your Workplace, Our Expertise

Fully Portable Solutions Across NSW, Sydney, and Regional Areas with Advance Notice.